Regulation of Crystal Growth by Artificial Proteins(<Special Issue>Recent Research Development in Bio-Organic Materials)

  • Shiba Kiyotaka
    Cancer Institute, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research:CREST, JST c o Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research

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  • 結晶成長を人工タンパク質で制御する(<特集>バイオ・有機材料研究の最新動向)
  • 結晶成長を人工タンパク質で制御する
  • ケッショウ セイチョウ オ ジンコウ タンパクシツ デ セイギョ スル

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Isolation of genes that involved in biomineralization has enabled us to construct in vitro reconstitution system for studies on biomineralization mechanisms. In the field of bio-nanotechnology, artificial peptides that specifically bind to the surfaces of various inorganic materials have been created, and have been found to have effects on mineralization of their targets elements. Such artificial peptide binders (peptide aptamers) have extended our repertoire of mineralization that could be controlled by proteins of peptides. In our laboratory, we are creating artificial proteins that could regulate mineralization of inorganic materials by combining natural peptide motifs found in biomineralization proteins and artificial peptides.



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