2P2-A15 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第1報:足圧呈示インタフェースの設計と基本性能評価


  • 2P2-A15 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Design of Tactile Interfaces for Detecting and Displaying Foot Pressures


We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The proposed system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non-paralytic body surface, based on the contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot. Clinical testing for three stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to improve the adjusting capability of weight and balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


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