Self-assembly of DNA into Spiral Structure for Nano-Material

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  • ナノ物質の輸送を目指した DNA オリガミによるナノマシンの設計


<p>In this report, a new method to fabricate nano-machine which can swim in the liquid was proposed. DNA Origami whose characteristic is DNA self-assembly was made used of to construct a spiral structure in the size of several micrometers in length and tens of nanometers in diameter. Multiple parallel DNA double helix structure build up a DNA bundle, and the amount of base pairs in the bundle were increased or decreased to approach a spiral structure. By spattering nickel on the surface to magnetize DNA spiral structure, so that the spiral can be excited by an external magnetic field in which nano-machine can rotate and propel nano-material into the target location. This method permits a non-contact way to control nano-machine in the liquid that greatly reduces the erosion of organism.</p>


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