国士舘大学理工学部機械工学系におけるPBL教育の取組と成果 : 競技会参加型のものづくり実践プロジェクト


  • PBL Education and its Result at School of Science and Engineering, Kokushikan University : Practice Project of Participation in Formula SAE Competition
  • 特別講演 国士舘大学理工学部機械工学系におけるPBL教育の取組と成果 : 競技会参加型のものづくり実践プロジェクト
  • トクベツ コウエン コクシカン ダイガク リコウ ガクブ キカイ コウガクケイ ニ オケル PBL キョウイク ノ トリクミ ト セイカ : キョウギカイ サンカガタ ノ モノズクリ ジッセン プロジェクト



The core education of the Faculty of Engineering (School of Science and Engineering) at Kokushikan University is creative engineering education by manufacturing generally on the base of the result of development research. Some of the students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Information Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Department of Science and Engineering) participate in the formula car program. They conceive, design, fabricate by themselves, and compete with small formula-style racing cars at the Formula SAE[○!R] (the Society of Automotive Engineers) Competition held annually in U.S.A. under the auspices of SAE. This program is planned in order to bring up the ability of settling and solving the problems through teamwork. In addition to the PBL education system, the authors refer to the result of the development research connected with this practical education in this paper.


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