Ahmad Bunhachiro Ariga : A Founder of Islamic Jurisprudence in Japan(<Special Issue>Islam and Religious Studies)
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- Other Title
- アフマド有賀文八郎(阿馬土) : 日本におけるイスラーム法学の先駆者としての位置づけ(<特集>イスラームと宗教研究)
- アフマド有賀文八郎(阿馬土)--日本におけるイスラーム法学の先駆者としての位置づけ
- アフマドアリガブン ハチロウ アバト ニホン ニ オケル イスラーム ホウガク ノ センクシャ ト シテ ノ イチヅケ
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Japanese Muslim Ahmad Bunhachiro Ariga was born several months before the Meiji Restoration. He became a Christian after trying to find a new standard of education for Japanese people based on monotheism. When he traveled to Bombay, he was impressed by Indian Muslims. He studied monotheism by comparing Islam with other religions, which continued for more than 40 years. He finally concluded that the most appropriate religion for Japanese people is Islam. He retired from all his enterprises when he was 60 years old, and converted to Islam. About 70 Japanese people became muslims through him within six months after his first invitation to Islam. His books are of interest for comparing with other Japanese scholars, since his understanding, sayings and preaching were based on his interpretation of Islamic Law in adapting Islam in Japan. He adapted his Islamic jurisprudence in his introduction of Islam in Japan, so he is considered as a founder of Islamic jurisprudence in Japan.
- Journal of religious studies
Journal of religious studies 78 (2), 517-539, 2004
Japanese Association for Religious Studies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205950407296
- NII Article ID
- 110002826608
- NII Book ID
- AN00406454
- 21883858
- 03873293
- 7095906
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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