生涯学習社会への学校の対応 : 「開かれた学校」に関する教育行政・学校経営の課題(<特集>教育改革と教育経営)


  • Some Problems with Educational Administration in Realizing School Open to the Community(Educational Reform and Educational Management)
  • 生涯学習社会への学校の対応--「開かれた学校」に関する教育行政・学校経営の課題
  • ショウガイ ガクシュウ シャカイ エ ノ ガッコウ ノ タイオウ ヒラカレタ



The present paper attempts to point out some problems associated with educational administration, with which individual schools and the local boards of education are faced in implementing school-open-to-the-community policies, and discusses ways of solving these problems, based on the findings obtained from several nationwide surveys made of elementary, junior and senior high schools and their boards of education at prefectural as well as municipal levels. This paper discusses making good use of able persons in the community as school teachers and giving school-extension classes open to the public as two of the most important activities concerned with the school-open-to-the-community policies. The following four proposals have been made to improve these two activities: (1) Improving teachers' attitude and behavior toward the activities, (2) bringing criteria in normal order in selecting lecturers open to the public from among school teachers, (3) activating supports and advice from the boards of education toward principals and teachers carrying out the activities, and (4) redefining the notion of expertise as teaching professionals and the duty of school teachers in the true sense in new conditions where teachers are engaged in the activities besides their regular teaching load.


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