Prediction of Wind Flow Change around the Development Area Caused by Land Deformation and Tree Felling.
- Faculty of Engineering , Iwate University
- OTSUKA Naohiro
- Faculty of Engineering , Iwate University
- SAITO Mitsugu
- Faculty of Engineering , Iwate University
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- Other Title
- 地形および樹木が開発地域周辺の風の流れに及ぼす影響予測
- チケイ オヨビ ジュモク ガ カイハツ チイキ シュウヘン ノ カゼ ノ ナガレ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ヨソク
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Land deformation and tree felling caused by the development actions influences on the wind shift around the development areas. We defined the topographical features that affected the wind flow as a topographical factor. We also defined the decrease in the wind velocity by trees as a tree factor. The AMeDAS weather stations were classified into 4 topographical feature forms by these topographical factors' conditions. These were coast, flatland, flatland mixed with mountain and mountain valley. From the viewpoint of macroclimate, Tohoku district was divided into the Japan Sea side and the Pacific Ocean side.<BR>Statistical study was conducted to investigate the relation between influences the factors and the wind flow. Multiple regression analysis using the factors could reach the relative equations for the frequency of the wind direction and the mean of the wind velocity for the flatland mixed with mountain in summer and winter.<BR>Using the relative equations as the prediction formulas, it was examined the prediction of the wind flow change at the development area which had land deformation. As a result, it was predicted that the wind flow around the development area would change caused by development.
- Shigen-to-Sozai
Shigen-to-Sozai 118 (7), 473-480, 2002
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206015087872
- NII Article ID
- 10009581536
- NII Book ID
- AN10062646
- 18806244
- 09161740
- 6239854
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed