On How to Make Use of Generative Grammar Theory in English Classroom Teaching

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  • 英語科教育における生成文法の活用の余地
  • エイゴカ キョウイク ニ オケル セイセイ ブンポウ ノ カツヨウ ノ ヨチ

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The present study explored how university students as a trainee English teacher think they can make use of generative grammar theory in English classroom teaching. As the Universal Grammar (UG) research develops in more abstract and sophisticated ways, the application of this theory to teaching seems more unrealistic. Moreover, in the previous studies, the educational perspectives on the potential use of this grammar theory have been derived mostly from UG or Second Language Acquisition researchers. In contrast, this study was conducted with the 43 third-year university students who were learning standard theory of generative grammar mainly, and who were going to teach English in a teaching practice setting in about one year. They were asked to write freely about, from teachers' point of view, how they would like to apply the theory to their English pedagogy. The freely written data reveal that their ideas showed a relatively positive attitude toward the application and that they were qualitatively different from the ones from the previous studies. Especially, it should be noted that about one third of the respondents came up with affective factors, such as motivating students to study English and having more confidence in teaching.


  • KATE Journal

    KATE Journal 26 (0), 15-25, 2012

    Kantokoshinetsu Association of Teachers of English

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