P29 Removal of arsenous acid using ultrasound oxidation and goethite in acidic drainage(Poster Session)


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Other Title
  • P29 超音波を用いた硫酸酸性坑廃水中の亜ヒ酸の酸化とその除去(ポスターセッション)


Arsenic in acid wastewater has been treated by a coprecipitation method using iron hydroxide following oxidation using bacteria. However, the generation of iron hydroxide requires the neutralization of the sulfuric acid solution. The coprecipitation method is difficult to treat arsenic at acidic reagent. We focused on goethite because the solubility in the acid solution is little. In this study, we performed the arsenic removal in As (III) and As (V) sulfuric acid solution using goethite and ultrasound oxidation. Goethite was used as a trivalent iron compound for the removal of arsenic because it did not dissolve in acid aqueous solution and did not break down by ultrasound irradiation. We were able to remove 89.4% of the total arsenic by using goethite. In addition, Fe dissolution rate by ultrasound or stirring was less than 1%.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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