露中国境の自由貿易地帯 : その廃止を巡って


  • The abolition of the 50-verst duty-free trade zone along the Sino-Russian frontier
  • ロ チュウコッキョウ ノ ジユウ ボウエキ チタイ ソノ ハイシ オ メグッテ



Established in 1862 and revised in the St. Petersburg treaty of 1881, the duty free zone along the Sino-Russian frontier was meant to develop the economy of the Russian Far East, like the free port status of Vladivostok. But when the free port was abolished in 1909, some Russians insisted that the frontier free trade zone should be abolished, too. In 1911 Russia could have abolished it with the renewal of St. Petersburg treaty. At the time, however, Russia completely disagreed with China on the renewal. So in 1911 it wasn't abolished though the Chinese government also wanted to abolish the free trade zone. But after the Xin Hai Revolution, Chinese views matched those of Priamur governor-general Gondatti and the zone was abolished on January 1, 1913.


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