The Attention of 2-Year-Old Children to the Television (5) :Research Project on Television Programming for 2-Year-01ds


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  • 2才児におけるテレビへの注視行動(5) : ハイ・ポーズ(幼児体操番組)開発における形成的研究 : 2才児テレビ番組研究 第V報告


This study is the result of formative research on the television program 'Hai Pose-Yoga exercises for 2-year-old children1, which analyzed visual attention, nonverbal imitative behavior and other television viewing "behaviors of 2-year-old chilren. Eight segments of 'Hai Pose' were produced by NHK. The stimuli programs were constructed with each of these segments and other various segments. 'Hai Pose I' was shown to 22 children in April, 1989. They gave more attention to this segment than the segment on the different kind of physical exercises for infants which was on the air. The revised 'Hai Pose II' was shown to 16 children in September, 1980. They imitated many of the poses of the film mediated models while viewing the segment. They showed significantly more nonverbal imitation than children who viewed 'Hai Pose I'. Six variations of 'Hai Pose' were produced, attributes of which were controlled in various ways. The attributes were 'length of segment1, 'sex of instructor1 and 'number of poses'. Six variations were shown to 80 children in December, 1980. The smaller the number of poses, the more the children tended to watch the segment. The shorter segment received more attention. There was no difference in the attention rate for a male instructor and a female instructor. Children showed more nonverbal imitation in every segment and every pose instructed by a man. Nevertheless. three segments were instructed by the same man and the other three segments were instructed by the same woman. Therefore more imitative behaviors might be inspired by a certain male character. Children showed more nonverbal imitation if they were given more instruction. ' viewers' instruction was positively correlated with nonverbal imitation. Girls gave more attetion to most of segments than boys. In 'Hai Pose' children were shown an instructor, then a 2-year-old model child, and then the two models alternately doing the same exercises. If the model child was confused and did nothing, the watching children did not understand what was going on and could not imitate the the exercises. And if the movements of the instructor were too fast, the children could not keep up well enough to imitate. It is necessary to keep the above points in mind when producing a segment of this nature and researching the kind of exercises which are appropriate for 2-year-old children.


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