巨大地主の諸劃期と<再生産軌道> : 岡山県児島郡野崎家の分析


  • The Historical Stages and "the Process of Reproduction" of the Big Landowners' Economy : The Case of the Nozakis in Kozima District, Okayama Prefecture
  • キョダイ ジヌシ ノ ショカクキ ト サイセイサン キドウ オカヤマケン コジマグン ノザキカ ノ ブンセキ



In this article, I study the economy of the Nozakis regarded as a typical case of the big land-owners in Kinki area. The Nozakis that owned about 1500 acres was one of the biggest landowners in Okayayama Prefecture. First, I explain the historical stages through which Landowner System rose and fell, and analyze the historical character of each stage in the light of the landowners' economy. (i) The stage of formation - In this stage, the landowners bought over the large scale tillage with capital gained from business except agriculture. (ii) The stage of establishment - In this stage, one part of returns of rent were applied to buying over the tillages, and the other part were invested to the projects except Agriculture. (iii) The stage of decay - In this stage, returns of rent and income from selling the lands were invested to some business except agriculture. (iv) The stage of collapse - In this stage, the landowners released their tillages in a wholesale way by Land Reformation. Secondly, I approach to "the process of reproduction" in the landowners' econmy - (a) levying the rent, (b) selling the corn, (c) reinvestment. Then I show what aspect it took on at each stage, and by what historical factor each stage was shifted on. Thirdly, I emphasize some special problems as follows: (i) Analysis of tne big landowners' economy in Kinki area. (ii) Relation between the development of Japanese capitalism and the landowners' economy. (iii) Economic structure of the big landowners who were the core of the ruling classes in Japan before the Second World War.


  • 土地制度史学

    土地制度史学 12 (4), 34-57, 1970

    土地制度史学会(現 政治経済学・経済史学会)

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