西南ドイツにおけるマニュファクチュアの形成 : 18・19世紀交のヴュルテンベルク繊維工業を中心に


  • The Development of Manufactures in the South Germany Textile Industries
  • セイナン ドイツ ニ オケル マニュファクチュア ノ ケイセイ 18 19セイキコウ ノ ヴュルテンベルク センイ コウギョウ オ チュウシン ニ



Since the age of the Fuggers the textile industries flourished in the South Germany. Woollen and linnen cloths produced by the clothiers in the villages and small rural towns in the Black Forest and Swabia were exported by merchants and several trading companies, of which the Calwer Zeughandlungs kompagnie and Uracher Leinwandhalungskompanie were the most famous for their large scale of trade. Towards the end of the 18th centnry, however, foreign trade in these articles came to be hardly possible, which caused a rash decline of these export textile industries. Contrary to them, textile industries in the Middle Wurtemberg were growing from the 18th century on, owing to a home market. We can odserve in these capitalism unfolding by : Moriz Mohl, Uber die wurtembergischen Gewerbeindustrie, 1828 ; some small industrialists founded "manufacturs" and enlarsged their workshops, while weavers and spinners grew poorer and fell into dependence upon merchants or large manufacturers who used to visit distant markets to sell their cloths. The poorest of weavers and spinners were compelled to give up their trade to be employees in manufactures. After the conclusion of the Custums Union (the Zollverein) in 1833, machineries out of Great Britain or another were set to transfer these manufactures to the factories in the prospect of a broader home market, by the industrialists or several enterprising merchants.


  • 土地制度史学

    土地制度史学 8 (3), 17-34, 1966

    土地制度史学会(現 政治経済学・経済史学会)

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