Developing Film-based e-Learning Course with the Use of Public Domain Films : Does It Help Facilitate the Substantiation of Credit Hours?

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  • パブリックドメイン映画を活用したeラーニング教材の開発 : eラーニングによる支援は「単位の実質化」につながるのか
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With the diversification of scholastic ability rapidly advancing, the compelling need for meticulous teaching responding to various proficiency levels is greater than ever, and teachers must promote the out-of-classroom study time of students to help achieve the substantiation of credit hours. Under such circumstances, the utilization of e-learning and films have been attracting much attention, the former as an educational method that flexibly caters to individual differences and the latter as highly effective materials for student motivation. Thus, in this study, a film-based e-learning course was developed with the use of public domain films and an experiment was conducted to verify whether the use of a film-based e-learning course promotes out-of-classroom learning activities and results in an increase in study time and improved English language proficiency. The results revealed that the use of a film-based e-learning course was effective to a certain degree in promoting out-of-classroom learning activities and thus increasing the length of overall study time. The results also revealed that its use helped improve the listening abilities of learners. Significant differences, however, were not observed compared with the conventional method. The implications of these findings are also discussed.


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