Housing Poverty and Housing Policy for Life and Well-being


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Other Title
  • 居住貧困と居住福祉政策(<特集>ワーキングプア-労働・生活・運動 社会政策学会第117回大会共通論題)


Japan is one of the great economic powers and has the largest number of housing starts in the world. However, there are also many "rough sleepers," a Japanese term for persons with unsuitable living accommodations. Since the 1990s, there has been a worsening housing problem as the number of rough sleepers, homeless people sleeping in internet cafes, and agency temporary workers who have lost jobs and accommodations have all increased. The system of securing accommodation had been maintained by rising house and land prices, the lifetime employment and the seniority-based wage system, all backed by steady economic growth. This system brought the mass scraping and building of housing and underpinned economic growth. This system for securing living accommodations had been realized through employer welfare programs and social housing policies. The industrial transformation, change in the employment system, and demographic change through urban transformation have brought housing instability. Consequently, economic, urban and demographic changes have undermined the ability of people to acquire suitable housing, and weakened the structure of social support. We need not only to provide decent housing but also construct a livelihood support system and a decent traffic system.


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