アメリカ合衆国憲法修正9条を巡る議論状況 : 原意主義的解釈の多様性


  • The Current Academic Situations over the Meaning of the Ninth Amendment : The Various Interpretations from the Viewpoint of Originalism
  • アメリカ ガッシュウコク ケンポウ シュウセイ 9ジョウ オ メグル ギロン ジョウキョウ ゲンイ シュギテキ カイシャク ノ タヨウセイ



Although many scholars seek to find the universal and settled meaning of the ninth amendment and enjoy the richness of the inquiry relating to the unenumerated rights, the current situation about the interpretation of the ninth amendment is too various and complicated. However, thanks to originalism, someone can categorize the series of amassed scholarly works following the several versions of originalism such as original intent originalism, original understanding originalism, original public meaning originalism, and semantic originalism. Each type of originalism may reveal the possible (or acceptable) interpretation over the meaning/character of the ninth amendment or/and the unenumerated rights. In this article, the author has tried to keep various interpretive accounts about the ninth amendment fit into the categories that are the fruits of the theoretical progress of originalism.


  • 憲法論叢

    憲法論叢 17 (0), 113-134, 2010


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