

  • Progress of Geothermal Development in Iran



Interest in geothermal energy originated in Iran when James R. McNiff, a United Nations geothermal expert visited the country in December 1974.In 1975, a contract among the Ministry of Energy, ENEL (Entes Nazionale per L' Energia Elettrica) of Italy and TB (Tehran Berkeley) of Iran was signed for geothermal exploration in the northwestern part of Iran.In 1983 the result of investigations defined Sabalan, Damavand, Khoy-Maku and Sahand regions as four prospected geothermal sites. From 1996 to 1999 countrywide geothermal energy resource exploration project was carried out by Renewable Energy Organization of Iran (SUNA) which belongs to the Ministry of Energy (MOE) and 10 potential areas were indicated additionally. Geothermal potential siting project by using Geographic Information System (GIS) was carried out in Geothermics laboratory of Kyushu University in 2007. The results of the project indicated 8.8% &Iran as prospected geothermal areas in 18 fields.Across these 18 regions, Sabalan region was selected for the first geothermal area for detailed explorations. Since 1996, feasibility studies to justify exploration drilling and to estimate the reservoir capacity in the Sabalan regions have been carried out by Sinclair Knight Merz Ltd (SKM) from New Zealand<BR>From 2002 to 2004 three deep exploration wells were drilled for evaluation of subsurface geological conditions, geothermal reservoir assessment and response simulation. Two of the wells were successful and maximum temperature of 240°C at a depth of 3200 m was recorded.As a result of the reservoir simulation, 55 MW power plant is projected to install in the Sabalan field as a first geothermal power generation. To supply required steam for the geothermal power plant (GPP) 17 deep production and injection wells are planed to drill.At this time the constructing of the well pads is carried out.It has been planned to start the drilling activity in 2008.


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