Development of Novel Solid-phase Polymeric Catalysts for Organic Syntheses
- YAMADA Yoichi M. A.
- Institute for Molecular Science
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- Other Title
- 新しい固相遷移金属触媒の創製と有機合成反応への応用
- アタラシイ コソウ センイ キンゾク ショクバイ ノ ソウセイ ト ユウキ ゴウセイ ハンノウ エ ノ オウヨウ
- Development of Novel Solid‐Phase Polymeric Catalysts for Organic Syntheses
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Highly active and reusable polymeric catalysts were produced by a self-assembly process of non-cross-linked amphiphilic polymeric ligands with inorganic species. Thus a new insoluble tungsten polymeric catalyst PWAA 1 was prepared from H3PW12O40 and poly[(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-(acrylamide with ammonium salt)], which was suitable for the oxidation of alcohols, amines, and sulfides in aqueous hydrogen peroxide. A new insoluble palladium polymeric catalyst PdAS 2 was produced by self-organization of (NH4)2PdCl4 and poly[(N-isopropylacrylamide)10-co-diphenylphosphinostyrene], which is an excellent recyclable catalyst for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction in water, water-organic solvents, and organic solvents. It is commercially available from Tokyo Kasei Kogyo (TCI). An improved insoluble palladium polymeric catalyst PdAS-V 3 was assembled from (NH4)2PdCl4 and poly[(N-isopropylacrylamide)5-co-diphenylphosphinostyrene], providing a reusable system for the Mizorogi-Heck reaction. A solid-phase titanium asymmetric polymeric catalyst TiSS 4 was made from Ti (O-i-Pr)4 and poly(styryl-linked binaphtholate-co-styrene) which promotes an enantioselective carbonyl-ene reaction as a recyclable catalyst.<br>
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 125 (10), 749-770, 2005-10-01
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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- 1390001206127998336
- NII Article ID
- 110004042062
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- AN00284903
- 13475231
- 15222667
- 00316903
- 09317597
- 7683514
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- 16205034
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