Binding Characterizations of Asp-hemolysin to Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein
- KUDO Yoichi
- Sendai Hospital of East Japan Railway Company
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- 酸化低密度リポタンパク質に対するAsp-hemolysinの結合特性に関する研究
- サンカ テイミツド リポタンパクシツ ニ タイスル Asp hemolysin ノ ケツゴウ トクセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
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Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) is known to be involved in the generation and progression of atherosclerosis. Ox-LDL has a number of potentially atherogenic effects on vascular cells, including uncontrol uptake by scavenger receptors. Asp-hemolysin, a hemolytic toxin from Aspergillus fumigatus, is a binding protein for Ox-LDL. This study was undertaken to clarify the binding specificity of Asp-hemolysin to Ox-LDL. We examined the binding specificity of Asp-hemolysin to Ox-LDL using several modified lipoproteins and scavenger-receptor ligands. Asp-hemolysin bound to Ox-LDL with shorter LDL oxidation times. However, Asp-hemolysin did not bind to acetylated LDL. The native high-density lipoprotein (n-HDL) and modified HDL (e.g., acetylated HDL, oxidized HDL) also had no Asp-hemolysin binding. Inhibitors of scavenger-receptor binding, including maleylated bovine serum albumin, polyinosinic acid, dextran sulfate, and fucoidin, had no effect on the binding of Ox-LDL to Asp-hemolysin. Surface plasmon-resonance studies revealed that Ox-LDL binds with high affinity (KD=0.63 μg/ml) to Asp-hemolysin. Furthermore, we have shown that Ox-LDL strongly inhibits the hemolytic activity of Asp-hemolysin and that the removal of lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) from Ox-LDL abolished the inhibition. We also investigated the interaction between Asp-hemolysin and lysoPC as a typical lipid moiety of Ox-LDL. The binding of Asp-hemolysin to LDL oxidized for different times depended on the lysoPC content in each Ox-LDL. In addition, the inhibition of lysoPC production in Ox-LDL by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) pretreatment of LDL resulted in a marked decrease in Asp-hemolysin binding to PMSF-pretreated Ox-LDL. The binding analysis of Asp-hemolysin to lysoPC revealed that Asp-hemolysin binds directly to lysoPC. We conclude that Asp-hemolysin is a specific binding protein with high affinity for Ox-LDL and that its binding specificity is distinct from any receptor for Ox-LDL.<br>
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 125 (8), 617-629, 2005-08-01
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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- 1390001206128399744
- NII Article ID
- 10016782851
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- AN00284903
- 13475231
- 00316903
- 7439536
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- 16079612
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