Effects of Levocarnitine Chloride, a New Mitochondrial Function Reactivating Agent, on Fatty Acid and Glucose Oxidation under Hypoxic Condition in Homogenates from Rat Heart
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- ミトコンドリア機能賦活作用を有する塩化レボカルニチンのラット心筋ホモジネートにおける低酸素条件下での脂肪酸及びグルコースの酸化に対する作用
- ミトコンドリア キノウ フカツ サヨウ オ ユウスル エンカ レボカルニチン
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The effects of levocarnitine chloride [LC-80, (-)-(R)-(3-carboxy-2-hydroxypropyl)-trimethylammonium chloride] on the oxidation of [U-14C] palmitate, [U-14C] glucose and [2-3H] glucose under hypoxic conditions in homogenates from the rat heart were investigated. LC-80 at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mM caused significant and concentrationdependent increases in the depressed 14CO2 production from [U-14C] palmitate or [U-14C]-glucose oxidation under hypoxia up to 50 min after the addition of LC-80. In contrast, a marked increase in 3H2O production from [2-8H] glucose oxidation under hypoxia was observed, and LC-80 at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mM caused further significant and concentration-dependent enhancement of 3H2O production up to 50 min after the addition of LC-80. Moreover, LC-80 at a concentrations of 1.0 mM significantly restored the marked depression of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity and mitochondrial respiratory function under hypoxia. These results suggested that LC-80 has an improving effect on myocardial metabolism under ischemia by enhancing fatty acid and glucose metabolisms.
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 110 (3), 225-234, 1990
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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- 1390001206154157440
- NII Article ID
- 110003649999
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- AN00284903
- 13475231
- 00316903
- 3673038
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