卵巣癌原発転移性大網腫瘍患者の腹水より分離された過塩素酸可溶性糖タンパク質の若干の化学的, 血清学的性質


  • Some Chemical and Serological Properties of Perchloric Acid-Soluble Glycoproteins Separated from Ascitic Fluid of a Patient with Metastatic Omentum Tumor from Ovarian Cancer
  • ランソウガン ゲンパツ テンイセイ ダイモウ シュヨウ カンジャ ノ フクスイ



One mol perchloric acid-soluble fraction (PASF) obtained from ascitic fluid of a patient (blood group B) with metastatic omentum tumor from ovarian cancer was a glycoprotein fraction containing 35.4% carbohydrate and exhibited A, B and Thomsen-Friedenreich (T) activities. This fraction was separated into three fractions, Frs. 1-3, by a gel filtration with Bio-Gel A-1.5 m column. Among these fractions, Fr. 1 which was obtained in a 5.5% yield to PASF, was a glycoprotein fraction with a high molecular weight, 23.3% carbohydrate and A, B and T activities. Other minor fraction, Fr. 2, and the major fraction, Fr. 3, contained 43.2% and 43.9% carbohydrate, but did not show A, B and T activities, respectively.


  • 薬学雑誌

    薬学雑誌 110 (10), 783-787, 1990

    公益社団法人 日本薬学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

