Post-Processing Method Using Ellipsoidal Equations for PTV Measurement Results. 1st Report. Accurate Rearrangement Method and Numerical Validation.

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  • だ円形方程式に基づくPTV結果のポストプロセッシング 第1報  補間手法の高精度化と数値シミュレーションによる評価
  • ダエンケイ ホウテイシキ ニ モトヅク PTV ケッカ ノ ポストプロセッシング ダイ1ポウ ホカン シュホウ ノ コウセイドカ ト スウチ シミュレーション ニ ヨル ヒョウカ

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Accurate post-processing methods are required in order to analyze the detailed flow structures from the data of particle tracking velocimetry. In particular, both spatial distributions of vorticity and stream functions cannot be obtained reasonably in the case of sparse data resulting from popular conventional methods. This paper proposes a new post-processing algorithm based on ellipsoidal differential equations which enable to utilize boundary condition data efficiently. The performance of the algorithm is examined by applying them to two-dimensional vortex flows and isotropic turbulent flows. The results reveal that the present algorithm has the highest accuracy in comparison with several popular methods for detecting vorticity, energy, and the energy spectrum.


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