The First Japanese Muslim : Shotaro NODA (1868-1904)

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  • 最初の日本人ムスリム : 野田正太郎(1868-1904年)

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As interest in the historical relation between Japan and the Islamic World increases, the question as to who is the first Japanese Muslim is attracting attention. Today, we can find the Japanese Muslims in the various historical records. But it is very difficult to decide who is the real first Japanese Muslim. With the repetition of discovering new historical records, however, it is possible to get nearer to the first real Japanese Muslim. In many books and articles about the Japanese Muslims, the first Japanese Muslim is said to be Torajiro YAMADA. But it is completely mistake. In this paper, we try to verify that the first Japanese Muslim is not YAMADA but Shotaro NODA, by using various Ottoman Turkish historical records



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