Three-dimensional Fabric Analysis of Microcracks associated with Brittle Failure of Granitic Rocks.

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  • マイクロクラックの3次元構造解析による花こう岩質岩石の脆性破壊機構
  • マイクロクラックの3次元構造解析による花崗岩質岩石の脆性破壊機構
  • マイクロクラック ノ 3ジゲン コウゾウ カイセキ ニ ヨル カコウガンシツ ガンセキ ノ ゼイセイ ハカイ キコウ

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Microcracks-related fabric, determined by a stereological method, is represented quantitatively by means of the crack tensor, and brittle failure of granitic rock (Inada granite) is discussed based on the crack tensor analysis. Orientation of stress-induced microcracks does not change much during brittle failure, depending primarily on the orientation of pre-existing microcracks in quartz grains. Inelastic volumetric strain at failure decreases with increasing confining pressure due to the fact that crack opening is controlled by the confining pressure. The crack density F0 at failure, the first invariant of crack tensor, is independent of the confining pressure. That is, brittle failure starts when F0 reaches a threshold value. After failure, rapid increase of the crack density takes place with increasing inelastic volumetric strain, and the most of stress-induced microcracks are grain boundary cracks around highly cracked quartz grains. It is suggested, based on the observation, that such grain boundary cracks play an essential role in the subsequent process of deformation such as fault development.


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