- タイトル別名
- Triassic and Jurassic radiolarian fossils from siliceous rock pebbles contained in the Nojimazaki Conglomerate Member of the upper Pliocene Shirahama Formation, Chikura Group, Central Japan
- センソウソウグン シラハマソウ(ジョウブ センシントウ)ノジマサキレキガンブソウ ノ ケイシツガン ショウレキ カラ サンスル サンジョウキ ・ ジュラキ ホウサンチュウ カセキ
<p>The Neogene Chikura Group, which is widely exposed in the southeastern part of Minamiboso City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, is made up of a thick sequence of marine sedimentary rocks deposited in a middle to upper bathyal environment. The group comprises (in ascending order) the Shirahama, Shiramazu, Mera and Hata formations. The upper Pliocene Shirahama Formation is composed mainly of red-brown volcaniclastic sandstone and the Nojimazaki Conglomerate Member. This member comprises volcaniclastic conglomerate with granules to boulders of basalt and andesite, and is characterized by pebbles of andesite, basalt, granodiorite, gabbro, sandstone, siltstone, greenish tuff, and chert. We obtained Anisian and Ladinian (Middle Triassic) radiolarians from chert pebbles, and Bajocian to Callovian (Middle Jurassic) radiolarians from a siliceous siltstone pebble. These Mesozoic pebbles were probably derived from a Mesozoic accretionary complex (present-day Kanto District) in the northwestern part of Boso Peninsula.</p>
- 地質学雑誌
地質学雑誌 123 (11), 969-976, 2017-11-15
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001206240956032
- 130006394461
- AN00141768
- 13499963
- 00167630
- 028725942
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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