

  • Laser Treatment of Sprayed Ni-Cr Coat for Anti-Corrosion Performance
  • タイショク キノウ フヨ ノ タメ ノ ヨウシャ ニッケル クロムソウ ノ レ



In order to endow the sprayed 80wt%Ni-20%Cr coat with a high anti-corrosion performance, infrared laser remelting was done utilizing a beam scanning and rotating disk method. Both the improvement of anti-corrosion performance of laser treated Ni-Cr coat, and the problems in laser surface modification are introduced. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (1) As-sprayed Ni-Cr coat contains a number of Cr-oxide and pores in it, and allows the corrosive environment quickly impregnate into the substrate metal as long as the sealing of pores is not successfully completed. (2) The Ni-Cr coat fully remelted and strongly bonded to the substrate by beam scanning method was inevitably diluted by the iron diffused from the substrate. Defect-free Ni-Cr coat with iron concentration less than 20wt% could be obtained by very limited laser irradiation condition, and showed anti-corrosion performance against relatively mild environment. (3) Rotating disk method made it possible to refuse the surface thin layer of sprayed Ni-Cr coat, and prevented the iron from diffusing into refused layer. The specimen treated by this method showed an excellent anti-corrosion performance against severe molton salt oxidation. Laser irradiation under highly controlled condition is necessary for remelting the surface thin layer of sprayed coat.


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