Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Sulfide-Containing Aqueous Amine Solutions

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The effect of environmental factors on the corrosion rates of carbon steel in sulfide-containing 20% monoethanoleamine solutions have been examined using weight loss and potentiodynamic polarization tests. Experiments were conducted in solutions with a sulfide concentration of 6000ppm in the pH range of 9-12 and in the temperature range of 333-408K. The corrosion rate of carbon steel increased with decreasing pH value and increasing temperature. Corrosion rates significantly increased at pH values below 11 and at temperatures above 408K. Among several degradation products of amine, hydroxyethyleethylenediamine (HEED) was the most corrosive species for carbon steel. When various corrosive species were simaltaneously added in a test solution, synergistic acceleration of corrosion was recognized. The corrosion rate of carbon steel in such a solution was larger than that in a solution to which single corrosive species was added.



    CORROSION ENGINEERING 39 (9), 467-473, 1990

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering


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