

  • Effect of Surface Conditions on the Probability Distribution of Stress Corrosion Cracking Failure Times of Type 304 Stainless Steel
  • 304 ステンレス コウオウリョク フショク ワレ ハダン ジュミョウ ノ カ



The effect of a difference in surface conditions of emery polish and vacuum anneal on the probability distribution of stress corrosion cracking failure times of Type 304 stainless steel in boiling MgCl2 solution has been studied. The probability distribution for crack initiation times Ti, crack propagation times Tp and also total failure times Tf is found to obey a three parameter Weibull distribution. The shape parameter estimated by the previously reported method is approximately 1.5 for Tf and Ti and 2 for Tp. It is demonstrated that peak potential, at which crack initiation occurs, determines mean failure time of μf, μi and μp. Surface polish causes peak potential to less noble along with the μ vs. peak potential curves and accelarates crack initiation and hence shortens total failure time.


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