The Effect of Casing Width on Performance of Sirocco Fan Using Contra-Rotating Rotors(Fluids Engineering)

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  • ケーシング幅が二重反転多翼ファンの性能に及ぼす影響(流体工学,流体機械)
  • ケーシング幅が二重反転多翼ファンの性能に及ぼす影響
  • ケーシングハバ ガ ニジュウ ハンテン タヨク ファン ノ セイノウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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A sirocco fan using contra-rotating rotors in which an inner rotor was settled inside the sirocco fan rotor and each rotor rotated in an opposite direction was proposed for the purpose of getting the higher pressure and making the structure of a sirocco fan compact more. If the high discharge pressure is obtained with the adoption of the contra-rotating rotors, it could be used for various purposes. Pressure coefficient of the sirocco fan with contra-rotating rotors was 2.4 times as high as the conventional sirocco fan and the maximum efficiency point of contra-rotating rotors shifted larger flow rate than the conventional sirocco fan. On the other hand, it was clarified from the flow measurement results that the larger back flow region than conventional one occurred at the shroud of the casing in the case of contra-rotating type and this would induce decrease of the efficiecy. In the present paper, the performance of the conventional sirocco fan and the sirocco fan with contra-rotating rotors are shown and the internal flow field at the outlet of the outer rotor of both cases is clarified Then, the effect of casing width on the performance and the internal flow field is investigated and the casing width which would be suitable for the contra-rotating type would be discussed.



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