Determination of Total Body Water by the Deuterium Oxide Dilution Method in Japanese Men and Women.
- Division of Health Promotion, National Institute of Health and Nutrition
- KANEKO Kayoko
- Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University
- AIKYOU Mitsuyo
- Futaba Nutrition College
- KOIKE Goro
- Futaba Nutrition College
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- Other Title
- 重水希釈法により測定した日本人成人男女の体水分量
- ジュウスイ キシャクホウ ニ ヨリ ソクテイシタ ニホンジン セイジン ダンジ
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A Study was conducted to compare total body water (TBW) and TBW/lean body mass (LBM) ratios between males and females, trained and untrained subjects, and subjects of various ages or with different body mass index (BMI) and to examine previous models for estimating LBM from TBW using the deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution method in Japanese adults. We determined TBW and the TBW/LBM ratio in 58 untrained males (aged 18-59 yr), 158 untrained females (aged 18-29 yr), 26 trained males (aged 18-29 yr), and 30 trained females (aged 18-29 yr). We used the D2O dilution method to estimate TBW, and measured the skinfold thickness to estimate LBM. The average TBW/LBM ratios were higher than those obtained in previous studies (0.72 by Forbes and 0.732 by Pace et al.) in all subjects. In the subjects aged 18 to 29 yr (BMI: 20 to 24 kg/mm2), it was found that males had higher TBW and TBW/body weight (BW) ratios than females. There were no significant differences between males (81.9±5.2%) and females (79.4± 6.2%) in the TBW/LBM ratios. Trained subjects exhibited significantly higher mean TBW, TBW/BW and TBW/LBM ratios than untrained subjects, both male and female. Males aged 18 to 29 yr had higher average TBW (44.1±3.4l) than males aged 40 to 49 yr (41.1±3.3l) and 50 to 59 yr (41.0±4.5l). There were no significant differences between the age groups in TBW/BW and TBW/LBM ratios. In females, a higher BMI was associated with a larger TBW and lower TBW/BW ratio. The TBW/LBM ratio did not vary with BMI. We conclude that TBW/LBM ratios do not vary significantly in untrained subjects differing in sex, age, or BMI. Trained subjects show higher TBW/LBM ratios than untrained subjects, both male and female. The average TBW/LBM ratio estimated by the D2O method in the present study was higher than that in previous studies.
- Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi
Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi 49 (2), 79-84, 1996
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206292457216
- NII Article ID
- 10009625706
- NII Book ID
- AN00311992
- 18832849
- 02873516
- 3948805
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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