Comparison of extraction rates of minerals from Suboshi-, Haiboshi- and Enzo-Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) during water immersion treatment.

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  • 素干し,灰干し,および塩蔵ワカメの水戻し処理による6種のミネラル類溶出の比較
  • ス ボシ ハイボシ オヨビ エンゾウ ワカメ ノ ミズ モドシ ショリ ニ

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The extraction rates of minerals from Suboshi-, Haiboshi- and Enzo-Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) into immersion water were determined.<BR>Ninety percent of iodine was extracted into water during a 10 min immersion in the cases of Suboshi-Wakame and Haiboshi-Wakame but only 34% in the case of Enzo-Wakame.<BR>There were no great differences among the Wakame in extraction rates of minerals except iodine: the rates were 60-70% for sodium, 40-70% for potassium, 20-60% for phosphorus, 2-20% for calcium and 6-40% for magnesium.<BR>Haiboshi-Wakame showed the lowest rate of mineral extraction among the three kinds of processed Wakame.<BR>The extraction rates of minerals in Wakame seemed to be related with processing treatments such as blanching, washing and ash-sprinkling.


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