Effects of Dietary Mineral Levels and Their Interactions with Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Zinc Balance in Male Rats. Investigations Based on a L8(27)-Type Orthogonal Array.
- Esashi Takatoshi
- Division of Applied Food Research, National Institute of Health and Nutrition
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- Other Title
- 雄ラットのカルシウム,リン,マグネシウムおよび亜鉛出納に及ぼす飼料中各種ミネラル含量の影響および交互作用 L8(2`7´)型直交表を用いた検討
- オス ラット ノ カルシウム リン マグネシウム オヨビ アエン スイトウ ニ オヨボス シリョウ チュウ カクシュ ミネラル ガンリョウ ノ エイキョウ オヨビ コウゴ サヨウ L8 27 ガタ チョッコウヒョウ オ モチイタ ケントウ
- Investigations Based on a L<sub>8</sub>(2<sup>7</sup>)-Type Orthogonal Array
- L<sub>8</sub>(2<sup>7</sup>)型直交表を用いた検討
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Mineral balance is affected by many dietary factors, but the interactions involved are not clear. Therefore, the effects of dietary mineral levels on mineral balance were examined using an orthogonal array, an experimental design which is superior for factorial analysis and factor interaction analysis. Ca, P, Mg, Na, and Zn were selected as the factors, and eight kinds of diet were prepared based on the L8 (27)-type orthogonal array. The mineral content of the diets was either normal (AIN-76) or 1/3.5 of the normal content. Four-week-old rats (Fischer 344 strain) were fed one of these diets for 4 weeks. Retention of Ca, P, Mg, and Zn was determined by means of a balance test in the last 3 days of the 4-week feeding period. The highest apparent Ca absorption (%) was observed in the rats fed the normal Zn, low Ca diet, and the lowest was observed in those fed the normal Ca, low Zn diet. The highest apparent Ca retention (mg/day) was observed in the rats fed the normal Ca, Mg and Zn, low P diet, and the lowest was observed in those fed the normal P, low Ca, Mg, and Zn diet. The highest apparent P absorption was observed in the rats fed the normal P, low Ca diet, and the lowest was observed in those fed the normal Ca, low P diet. However, the apparent P retention was not affected by the mineral content of the experimental diet. The highest apparent Mg absorption was observed in the rats fed the normal P, low Ca diet, and the lowest Mg absorption was observed in those fed the normal Ca and P diet. The highest apparent Mg retention was observed in the rats fed the normal Mg diet, and the lowest was observed in those fed the low Mg diet. The apparent absorption and retention of Zn were not affected by the mineral content of the experimental diet. Among the five kind of minerals examined, Ca and P contents and their ratio in the diet strongly influenced the absorption and retention of Ca, P, and Mg.
- Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi
Nippon Eiyo Shokuryo Gakkaishi 52 (4), 193-199, 1999
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206293916544
- NII Article ID
- 10009713461
- NII Book ID
- AN00311992
- 18832849
- 02873516
- http://id.crossref.org/issn/00346659
- 4835323
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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