Preparation and Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived CaMgSi2O6 Glass Ceramics.

  • Katsui Akinori
    Dept. of Material Science and technology, School and High-Technology for Human Welfare
  • Iwamoto Kazutoshi
    Dept. of Material Science and technology, School and High-Technology for Human Welfare
  • Ohtsuka Hideaki
    Telecommunications Energy Lab, NTT Integrated Information & Energy Systems Labs., Nippon Telepraph and Telephone Corporation

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The diopside gels of the composition 25mol%CaO-25mol%MgO-50mol%SiO2 are prepared using a sol-gel route from Ca metal, Mg metal and tetrahydrofuran, and their structural changes with temperature are investigated using X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results indicate that the diopside glass and the glass-ceramics with the same silica network structure as the melted samples can be realized.


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