Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization Algorithm-Based on Nonlinear Programming-

  • ODA Masayoshi
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University
  • YAMAGAMI Yoshihiro
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • KAWATA Junji
    Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima Bunri University The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • NISHIO Yoshifumi
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • USHIDA Akio
    Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima Bunri University The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers



We propose here a fully Spice-oriented design algorithm of op-amps for attaining the maximum gains under low power consumptions and assigned slew-rates. Our optimization algorithm is based on a well-known steepest descent method combining with nonlinear programming. The algorithm is realized by equivalent RC circuits with ABMs (analog behavior models) of Spice. The gradient direction is decided by the analysis of sensitivity circuits. The optimum parameters can be found at the equilibrium point in the transient response of the RC circuit. Although the optimization time is much faster than the other design tools, the results might be rough because of the simple transistor models. If much better parameter values are required, they can be improved with Spice simulator and/or other tools.


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