Report of a Case of Multiple Meningioma Consisting with Ophthalmologic Findings

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  • 眼科所見に一致した多発髄膜しゅの1例
  • ガンカ ショケン ニ イッチシタ タハツ ズイマクシュ ノ 1レイ

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In a 48-years-old woman, papilloedema and incomplete external ophthalmoplegia seen at the first medical examination remitted spontaneously. When this patient was examined again after 5 years, homonymous hemianopic central scotoma and Foster-Kennedy syndrome were observed. The former indicates the abnormality of the endings of the optic radiation, and the latter is the funduscopic findings seen in tumors of the anterior cranial fossa, etc. In the areas corresponding to these findings, two meningiomas were noted. Therefore, craniotomy was performed by procedures for cerebral surgery. As a result, the patient made favorable progresses, such as the improvement of the visual field, which had been affected by transitory right hemianopsia, and the disappearances of hemianopic central scotoma and diplopia. Histological examination revealed that the isolated tumor as meningioma. I reported one rare case of multiple meningioma symptoms of which completely disappeared transitorily during the long-term observation.


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