Difference in Response to Mouse Hepatitis Virus among Susceptible Mouse Strains

  • TAGUCHI Fumihiro
    Department of Animal Pathology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
  • HIRANO Norio
    Department of Animal Pathology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
  • KIUCHI Yoshihiro
    Department of Animal Pathology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
  • FUJIWARA Kosaku
    Department of Animal Pathology, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo

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  • Difference in response to mouse hepatit

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After intraperitoneal inoculation with a high-virulent mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) a significant difference was seen in survival time between DDD and CDF1 (BALB/c×DDD) mice, while 50% lethal doses were not significantly different. With 3×103 PFU of the virus CDF1 and DDD mice died in 45 and 120 hr, respectively, on the average. This difference of susceptibility between DDD and CDF1 mice was first demonstrable at the age of 1 week and was more pronounced at the age of 4 weeks but showed no dependence on the sex. Virus titers ran 2 to 3 log higher in the liver and blood of CDF1 than in those of DDD mice, while being only 1 log higher in the spleen. At an early stage of infection viral antigen was demonstrable by immunofluorescence in sinusoidal lining cells of the liver more prominently in CDF1 than in DDD mice. Interferon production occurring in parallel with virus growth was significantly higher in CDF1 than in DDD mice. In DDD mice, liver lesions were rather focal with some accumulation of round cells, while they were confluent with poor cellular response in CDF1 mice. Viral growth in cultured peritoneal macrophages from CDF1 mice was 1 log higher than in those from DDD mice. The results suggest that the divergence in response to MHV among susceptible mice greatly depends upon the susceptibility of macrophages and reticuloendothelial cells which constitute primary targets of the virus.


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