The Possible Presence of Ribonucleic Acid-Dependent Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase in the Immune Response

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  • The Possible Presence of Ribonucleic Acid‐Dependent Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase in the Immune Response

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Immune ribonucleic acid (iRNA) preparations were extracted from spleens of rabbits immunized either with Salmonella flagella or f2 phage. The enzyme extract prepared from popliteal lymph node cells of immunized rabbits induced DNA synthesis in a cell-free system in the presence of iRNA. The enzyme activity was demonstrated only after stimulation with a corresponding antigen and was inhibited by large amounts of rifampicin, rifampicin derivatives or by treatment of the iRNA with ribonuclease, but neither actinomycin D nor mitomycin C affected it. Pretreatment of iRNA with deoxyribonuclease did not affect the enzyme activity. This DNA polymerise could induce DNA synthesis only by using the corresponding iRNA but not by using either normal RNA or iRNA prepared against another antigen. This new DNA presumably represents an intermediate in the antibody formation process specified by this enzyme using iRNA as a template.


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