Position-Based Impedance Control of Cylinder for Oil Hydraulic Servo Systems.

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  • 油圧サーボ機構におけるシリンダのインピーダンス制御
  • ユアツ サーボ キコウ ニ オケル シリンダ ノ インピーダンス セイギョ

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The oil hydraulic cylinder has been used as industrial actuators, because it is inexpensive and also has a high power to weight ratio. However the accurately control of the oil hydraulic actuators is difficult because of very complex and highiy nonlinear due to a flow-pressure relationship and large friction fores. Recently, to overcome those problems an impedance and hybrid force/position control concept has been suggested. This paper proposes an impedance control of an oil hydraulic Servo system with a position-based approach where an optimal servo system using the LQ optimization technique is constructed inside the force feedback loop. And also to attain the desired impedance over extensive operating conditions, we use an impedance parameter modulation law. From some experiments, a position-based impedance controller incorporating the optimal servo system shows good static force control ability and excellent performance in dynamic tasks such as colliwsion force reduction.


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