

  • A Study on Japanese Customs of Life
  • タブー ヨリ ミル ニホンジン ノ セイカツ カンシュウ サイタマケン チチブ
  • From the View Point of Taboo
  • 埼玉県秩父郡大滝村の場合



This study was undertaken at Otaki Village, Saitama Prefecture, to see how the taboo as a custom of life remains, in regard to age, sex, occupation, region it is accepted, and how it is closely related with life.<BR>The results obtained are summarized as follows : <BR>1) The grade scores of taboo permeation calculated have an average value of 2.3, and those who have values of more than 3.0 are about 50 percent of all.<BR>2) The grade score goes up from the younger class to the older class, the latter seeming to attach more importance in relation to social customs.<BR>3) Those who engage in agriculture and forestry, which have something to do taboos.<BR>4) The taboo on “mourning of a funeral, the impurity of death, ” “mourning at morning and night” are still practiced more powerfully than others.<BR>5) The taboos related to daily life have the highest grade.


  • 家政学雑誌

    家政学雑誌 31 (3), 202-213, 1980

    一般社団法人 日本家政学会

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