

  • Current Status and Problems of Knowledge with regard to Nutrients in Foods among Teacher Training Course Students
  • 教員養成課程在籍学生の「食品に含まれる栄養素」に関する知識の様相と課題 : 小学校教科書における「6つの食品群」と「五大栄養素」の理解を中心に
  • キョウイン ヨウセイ カテイ ザイセキ ガクセイ ノ 「 ショクヒン ニ フクマレル エイヨウソ 」 ニ カンスル チシキ ノ ヨウソウ ト カダイ : ショウガッコウ キョウカショ ニ オケル 「 6ツ ノ ショクヒングン 」 ト 「 ゴダイ エイヨウソ 」 ノ リカイ オ チュウシン ニ
  • ―小学校教科書における「6つの食品群」と「五大栄養素」の理解を中心に―
  • - Focusing on Understanding of the Six Food Groups and the Five Components of Nutrition in Elementary School Textbooks -



This study investigated the knowledge of nutrients in food among teacher training course students. The subject of this research was 166 teacher training course students. They were required to prepare a meal and to classify the nutrients contained in each of its ingredients. Following this, the nutrients that had been classified were investigated to see whether they had been identified correctly. As a result of this, we were able to clarify the following points: <br>1. Teacher training course students use a variety of ingredients when cooking. <br>2. Students are aware of the nutrients contained in food based on what they have discovered in textbooks. <br>3. Understanding of the nutrients contained in food, without reference to a textbook, is poor. This is particularly so in the case of inorganic nutrients.


  • 日本家政学会誌

    日本家政学会誌 65 (3), 130-137, 2014

    一般社団法人 日本家政学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

