Analysis of the Book of <i>Sokan</i> in the Mitsui Bunko Collection

  • SAWAO Kai
    Graduate School of Human Life Science, Division of Living Environment, Japan Women's University

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  • -Textile Names and Costs Compared with the Books by Ihara Saikaku-

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The Book of Sokan (1683~1690, Tenna3~Jokyo2) is a private record written by Takayoshi Mitsui preserved by the public interest incorporated foundation, Mitsui Bunko. The Book of Sokan contains the names of types of textiles as well as the relevant prices in the early Edo period. <br>  The purpose of this report is to clarify how textiles were viewed among townspeople in the early Edo period. This report therefore analyzes all descriptions of clothes and textiles from Ihara Saikaku's work in the late 17th-century literary genre of amorous fiction and townspeople, and compares the descriptions with the names and prices in the Book of Sokan. As a result, it is considered that some textiles such as wool, satin, fine spun, silk crepe, velvet and so on were both imported and domestically produced. Wealthy people used them.


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