
  • 水越 亨
  • 辻 政男
  • 出口 秀樹
  • 丹羽 忍
    北海道環境科学研究センター 現在:北海道立総合研究機構本部


  • Possibility of Adult Hibernation of the Garden Pea Leafminer, <i>Chromatomyia horticola </i>(Goureau)(Diptera; Agromyzidae),and the Air Mass Back-Trajectory Patterns on the Peaks in the Daily Catch Using a Yellow Water Pan Trap in Southwestern Hokkaido.
  • ホッカイドウ ナンセイブ チイキ ノ サヤエンドウ ホジョウ ニ オケル ナモグリバエ セイチュウ エットウ ノ カノウセイ ナラビニ オウショク スイバン デ ノ ホカク ピークジ ニ ミラレル コウホウ リュウ セキセン



<p>To clarify the outbreak source in early spring and the seasonal prevalence of occurrence of Chromatomyia horticola, a study was conducted in the region showing the greatest production of garden peas in Hokkaido between 2007 and early 2008. Vinyl tunnels were set on the mulching films where garden peas had been cultivated in the previous fall. In mid April, some C. horticola adults were trapped on the yellow sticky traps suspended in the vinyl tunnels. On the other hand, there were four peaks in the daily catch using a yellow water pan trap between late April and early May 2007. The highest peak in the number of trapped adults occurred between April 21st and 23rd, comprising 55% of the total trap catch. From the back trajectory analysis of the four peaks, the air mass seemed to transport insects from northern China or the Russian Far East district to southern Hokkaido. In mid November, many adults that could not fly owning to the cold were observed on the mulching films.</p>


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