Properties of Sugi as High Bench Culture Media for Strawberries

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  • イチゴ高設栽培用培地へのスギ粉砕物の適性
  • イチゴ コウセツサイバイヨウバイチ エ ノ スギ フンサイブツ ノ テキセイ

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The properties of bark and wood of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) as high bench culture media for strawberries were investigated. Three cultivars, “Toyonoka”, “Kentarou” and “HS-138” were cultured with sugi bark or wood beds. Yield, fruit weight and sugar content of strawberries were measured, and the results were compared with those using standard compost.<br>The yield of standard sizes with bark was 77% of the standard compost. The components and the water holding capacity of bark seemed to affect the yield. In the water extracts of the bark (bark : water ; 1 : 10, w/w), vanillic acid (4.7 mM), vanillin (0.1 mM), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (5.1 mM) and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (0.6×10-2 mM) were detected by GC-MS. These compounds indicated the inhibitory effects on the growth of komatsuna (Brassica campestris L. var. perviridis) in 0.5 mM.<br>The yield of strawberries with bark was lower than that with the standard compost even after curing in open air. When the medium was composed of two layers (upper layer : standard compost, lower layer : bark), the yield of strawberries was equal to that with the standard compost. As a result, high permeability and low water holding capacity of the bark would cause a decrease of water content of the medium and low yield of strawberries. The yield of standard sizes with wood stored in open-air was lower than that with green wood. It was considered that the water absorption and water holding ability were decreased by open-air storing. Therefore, the open-air stored wood had a tendency to lose its water easily and affected the growth of strawberries.<br>It was considered that the components of the bark would be decrease by watering during production of strawberries ; therefore, the water holding ability of bark and wood rather than their components would affect the yield of strawberries.


  • Mokuzai Gakkaishi

    Mokuzai Gakkaishi 51 (5), 327-333, 2005

    The Japan Wood Research Society

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