Whether the proprietary of forests and fields must be readjustment or not


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Other Title
  • 林野の所有未構造は再編成せらるべきか


The proprietary system of the forest and field has changed largely after IInd Warld War in our country. A part of the formal forest and field area changed as the cultivated land to by the means of Land Reform Program. And their proprietary became to belong their cultivators.<br> On the consequence, the Petty farmer who had been cultivated the neglected space area in the forest and field, with out to get any permitation from their owner under their usual old local custum, were refused to do so by their owner.<br> More over they were porbited to do the enrollmental cutting custom of firewood in same time.<br> The petty farmers who living in the mountain village, used to sustain their life by the free gathering of forest production and mountain field production and corrected their unbalanced income which depence on their unnormal proprielary of the forest and field.<br> Aboved refuse and prohibition of the usual old custom have been malting up the critical situation of their life who consisting the greater part of the population of mountain villages.


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