Biomass and Net Production of Man-made Forests in the Philippines

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  • フィリビンにおける人工林の現存量と純生産量
  • フィリピンにおける人工材の現存量と純生産量〔英文〕
  • フィリピン ニ オケル ジンコウザイ ノ ゲンソンリョウ ト ジュン セイサン

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In four Albizia falcata stands (4_??_9 year-old), three Gmelina arborea stands (8_??_10 year-old), a Swietenia macrophylla stand (16 yearold), and a natural dipterocarp stand, the above-ground biomass, net primary production, and litter fall were investigated. The above-ground biomass was 102, 127, 261, and 262 ton/ha in the 9 year-old A. falcata, the 10 year-old G. arborea, the S. macrophylla, and the dipterocarp stands, respectively. Leaf biomass in these stands was 1.6 ton/ha, 1.4 ton/ha, 9.3 ton/ha, and 6.0 ton/ha, respectively. Leaf litter did not vary greatly among these stands, ranging from 5.2 to 5.3 ton/ha/yr and making up 52 to 72 percent of the total litter. The annual net primary production was 20 ton/ha, 18 ton/ha, and 14 ton/ha in the A, falcata, the G. arborea, and the dipterocarp stands, respectively.


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