

  • Repeatability for tree height and collar diameter in three F<sub>1</sub> families of sugi (<i>Cryptomeria japonica</i> D DON.)
  • クモトオシ オ カフン オヤ ト シタ スギ 3 カケイ クローン オ モチイ



To determine have effectiveness of individual selection within each crossed family, repeatability of plant height and of root collar diameter was estimated for 3-years-old clonal families of three Fr families derived from crossing sugi plus tree clones, Takaoka-sho 4, Fukuoka-sho 2, and Ukiha 7 as females and Kumotooshi as a male. The first aim was to survery the inheritance of flower induction with GA treatments in different summer months, and the clones were planted in three blocks with single plant plots. The repeatability was estimated for each Fl clonal family by an analysis of variance. The repeatability of plant height and of root collar diameter for respectively, Fl clonal families in each block varied from 0.10 to 0.38 and from 0.08 to 0.28, and it indicated the effectiveness of individual selections within each Fl family. Repeatability was increased a little, if we excluded plants with extremely inferior growth caused by very poor rooting. In this experiment, the mean repeatability for plant height and root collar diameter were thought 0.23 and 0.15, respectively.


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