放射線治療時の生殖腺被曝線量(第6報) : X線深部治療時の付添者とX線間脳照射治療患者の生殖腺線量


  • GONADAL EXPOSURE IN THE RADIATION TREATMENT Part 6 : Measurement of gonadal exposure in deep therapy inevitable to attendants of infantile patients and patients with dysfunetioning ovaries
  • 放射線治療時の生殖腺被曝線量-6-X線深部治療時の付添者とX線間脳照射治療患者の生殖腺線量
  • ホウシャセン チリョウジ ノ セイショクセン ヒバクセンリョウ 6 Xセン シンブ チリョウジ ノ ツキテンシャ ト Xセン カン ノウ ショウシャ チリョウ カンジャ ノ セイショクセンセンリョウ



(1) Some infantile patients requested the attendance by the side treatment table even during radiation treatments. resulting in inevitable exposure of the attendant. In forty-two years, from 1925 to 1968,the attendants reached about 600 persons in the Chiba University Hospital. The gonadal exposure of the attentants was sometimes expected as considerable. This report is concerned with the direct measurements of gonadal exposure on the attendants of infantile patients. The measurements employed the regular pocket chamber placed at the external or the vaginal fornix. The dose measured with the chamber indicated 526 to 848 mR in total during the X-ray deep therapy, approximately equivalent to 50 mR in average per 100R exposure on the infantile patient.(2) X-ray deep therapy on the pituitary region had been adopted as the treatment of functional disturbances of the ovary including sterility. Such a radiation treatments have been given to about 4000 patients at the Department of Gynecology, Chiba University Hospital until the end of 1969. The number of patients treated was approximately corresponding with 40% of out-patients with functional disturbances of the orary including sterility. The ages of the patients ranged 15 to 50 years. and 70% of patients belonged to 20 to 29 years old. The measurement of gonad dose upon the patients, employing the regular pocket chamber, showed 40 mR in average, which was consistent with the results of the phantom experiment.



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