<i>Pseudomonas syringae</i>群細菌の<i>hrpL</i>近傍に存在する繰り返し配列の調査


  • Investigation of Repeating Sequences in hrpL Neighboring Region of Pseudomonas syringae Strains.



Some repeating sequences were identified from Pseudomonas syringae strains in the neighboring region of their hrp genes cluster. This sequence was located at the left side of the hrpL region, lacking a terminal inverted repeat at one end. P. s. pv. actinidiae also had two repeating sequences at the left side of the hrpL region. One of them is similar to IS1240. Southern blot analysis revealed homologous fragments among many strains of P. syringae and patterns of hybridization signal strength. The number of bands varied among them. P. s. pv. phaseolicola has been reported to have the avrPphE gene on the left side of the hrpL gene. Sequence analysis of AvrPphE- strain NPS3121 showed insertion of a 104-bp DNA fragment in avrPphE, which is homologous to the terminal inverted repeat and the target sequence of the IS5 family. These results suggested that genetic modifications have accumulated in the left outside region of the hrpL gene in many strains of P. syringae.


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