みその香気成分 IV  加熱に伴う揮発性カルボニル化合物の生成におけるみそ成分の役割


  • Studies on the Aroma of Miso
  • ミソ ノ コウキ セイブン ニカンスルケンキュウ 4 カネツ ニ トモナウ キ
  • (第4報)加熱に伴う揮発性カルボニル化合物の生成における味噌成分の役割



The adsorbed fraction(Aa) and nomadsorbed fraction(Ab) from the Sendai-miso extract have been isolated by ultrafiltration and ion-exckange resin. Subsequently, 3-deoxyglucosone-free fraction(Ab')was separated from Ab. Changes occurred during the process of heating, mainly in voiatile carbonyl preuction, have been studied.<BR>The ratio of volatile carbonyl amounts obtained from Aa and Ab by heating was about 3:2. Aldehyde and furfural were formed from the adsorbed fraction and the nonadsorbed fractions, respectively.<BR>Ab differed from Ab' in the amount of volatile carbonyl production, and in the development of the characteristic heated flavor. In the sample of(Aa+Ab'), the change of 3-deoxyglucosone from accumulation to degradation was followed by the furfural formation.<BR>These results showed the important contribution of 3-deoxyglucosone-containing fraction(Ac) as the intermediates related to the volatile carbonyl compound and the maltol-1ike flavor componnd in miso.


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