Antihypertensive Mechanism of Royal Jelly Treated with Protease in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.

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  • 高血圧自然発症ラットにおける酵素処理ローヤルゼリーの血圧降下作用機序
  • コウケツアツ シゼン ハッショウ ラット ニ オケル コウソ ショリ ローヤルゼリー ノ ケツアツ コウカ サヨウ キジョ

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It has been reported that Royal Jelly (RJ) treated with protease N (ProRJ) contained three ACE inhibitory peptides (IY, VY and IVY) and that three peptides have an antihypertensive effect on spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). We examined the mechanism by which ProRJ decreased blood pressure in SHR. In single oral administration of ProRJ at a dose of 2.0g/kg in SHR, the systolic blood pressure was significantly decreased 6 hours after administration. And the angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) activities in the abdominal aorta and lungs of SHR administration of ProRJ were decreased compared to those of control at 6 hours after administration. IY, VY and IVY were detected in the abdominal aorta and lungs of SHR, and also in plasma by the HPLC method. The amount of aldosterone in plasma was significantly decreased from 1 hour to 4 hours after administration of ProRJ in SHR. According to these results, it was suggested that the antihypertensive effect of ProRJ in SHR is responsible for ACE inhibitory activity of IY, VY and IVY in ProRJ.


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